You do not need to make a commitment to a minimum number of sessions:
Some patients find even a few therapy sessions useful and then choose to continue working on their own.
View therapy as an experiment:
There is no way of your knowing in advance that cognitive therapy will help, but it has helped countless people with difficulties. Think of giving cognitive therapy a try; there is probably no hard evidence that it will not help.
Realise that there is no big risk:
If it is not helpful enough, you can stop, but the potential benefit might be great. It would be a shame if you decided not to try something that could really make a difference in your life.
It is normal to have concerns:
You may worry whether therapy can help, or you may feel hopeless about it. If you are predicting that nothing will make you feel better, you may be wrong.
Finances are often a problem:
My goal is to teach you to be your own therapist and to keep therapy short, so cognitive therapy may be the best investment you could make.