Procrastination is a voluntary delay in beginning or completing an intended course of action. There is evidence that cognitive behavioural and metacognitive approaches are helpful when working with procrastination. Procrastination is not considered to be a psychiatric condition, as most people procrastinate from time to time. However, clinical intervention may be indicated when the procrastination leads to anxiety, reduced motivation or any discomfort or distress.
Procrastination can be especially problematic when putting off important tasks, such as paying the bills, studying, applying for jobs or avoiding important tasks due to skills deficit in planning. The more we avoid a task, the more anxious we feel about it, causing even more feelings of being overwhelmed, and thus more procrastination which leads to a vicious cycle. There are often other factors causing us to procrastinate, such as anxiety, low self-esteem, attention problems, as well as other skills deficits.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for Procrastination is a brief and highly effective treatment for eliminating procrastination and getting on track to achieve one’s goals. CBT is a relatively new form of therapy that is clinically proven and backed by hundreds of scientific studies. Unlike traditional talk therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is present-focused, and involves teaching clients new skills they can use to solve their problems. CBT treatment for procrastination is always tailored to the individual’s needs.